Can't unlove you

Sounds good - his mood is easy and shifty anyways :] A few posts and we're good?


His mother laughed at him, but it wasn't mockery - it was a pleasant sound which reverberated through his heart. No matter what anyone said, he's always be good. And he's always love his mother, because she was the best and prettiest woman in the world. The boy was oblivious to how Alexey was caring for him much more than either of his parents did, and better at that, despite being alone. Still, the illusion of a family not in pieces shone through his mind, and he still carried hope that one day mommy would come back and everything will be fine. And then Conor wouldn't have to be so sad anymore either. It would be magnificent.

........Her fingers ran through his furs, and as the boy enjoyed the feeling of her touch and smell and warmth, his tail wagged happily behind him, bouncing into her every second swing. She spoke as if there existed doubts that he would reach the goal of life he'd just proclaimed, but in his mind there was no doubt. It was strange to find such a desire to do good in a child which had come from the oddest of couples, a pair of harsher beings than himself, some who would work the world to their own benefit. The boy did not recognize any of these facts, and even though his world would one day shatter, today was not the day. Today was the day when his mother was a saint.

........Turning around where he lay, he let his little (though a little bit fat) tummy point upwards, and he smiled broadly at her, wishing to improve her impression of him as a good boy. The best one in the world, in fact. As he was on the verge of saying this, his tummy decided to act upon this sudden fresh air, and gave a loud growl. Momentarily shocked, the boy's wagging ceased, and he looked at it before looking at his mother again. Ow... He hadn't known he was hungry. Perhaps he should have thought of that before coming here. Eyes of sadness, he looked at it again, not wanting it to be hungry. Perhaps if he ignored it he could stay with mommy longer?

Table by Sace/Hemming. Thanks! Big Grin

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