Wait for a new day, a new year.
ooc: Mind if Moose joins as well?

Like a lamb. That's how March had made its exile as the year progressed, and truth be told, Moose was entirely fine with it. Despite his love of the winter season (it reminded him so much of his old home after all), he enjoyed the transition of the seasons from one to the next. Change was always better than stagnation, even if life seemed to constantly try to oppose the very nature of the world.

He had chosen to spend the sunny day wandering in the highrocks area, scouting a place he hadn't spent too much time in since his acceptance into Crimson Dreams. While he had explored most of the territory in its generality, he was still discovering the secrets and intricate subtlties of all the areas. Thus far, he was enjoying the area. Mottled grey fur was tugged on gently by the breeze as these same paws moved forward.

Moose was cutting quite the odd figure at the moment. Regardless of his wolf nature and the outdoor life he lead as such, he had opted to try and avoid the muddy patches altogether, lending himself to a rather awkward movement across the highrocks. He was skipping and jumping from rock to rock, trying not to sink his paws into the boggish areas, turning him into the image of a very large puppy playing a game. Which was, of course, what he had reverted to after a few moments of avoiding the mud. He had been moving through the rocks in this manner when it occured to him just how much fun could be had by dodging these wetter spots.

A laugh parted his muzzle as he moved, enjoying the sunshine and the wind, as well as his self-created game. It was during this laugh he paused and looked about, his amber eyes shrewdly taking in every inch of his progress. It was during this scan he noticed Anu ahead of him, as well as a small white fey he didn't know nearby as well. Feeling like an idiot but not caring that he looked like one, Moose barked a short greeting to Anu.

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