the state of my severed hands

It's fine - mine's short, too.

my nymphetamine girl !

He grinned to his packmate after he'd spoken. The Sadira was surprised that Moose expressed an interest to learn right away - Kansas didn't even need to ask. At least he knew he would have a good pupil. The ones who wanted to learn always could. "Sounds good," he replied, his grin growing to span across his pale face. Kansas would probably never turn someone who wanted to learn to read down. He was glad to share something he so enjoyed with others with the hope that they might get some enjoyment out of it, too.

He scooted over slightly to allow his counterpart a comfortable seat beside him. The two wolves fit snugly against the sturdy tree behind him. Kansas ran his finger beneath the title of the book as he spoke. Better start with the basics. "The individual marks are letters. They form words, separated by spaces. This says To Kill a Mockingbird."


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