red on white -- TALITHA
A long time ago, Corona had associated gatherings with good things. They had once held some sort of festive nature or some sort of grand news that had to be shared. But in the case of Inferni, she had feelings that slid towards and opposite direction. Months had gone by since she had found herself weaving aimlessly through its land and there had been nothing of the sort. So it seemed a little strange to her that Gabriel would call them out of the blue, though she was open to whatever he was calling them for. The news couldn't have been good, she decided. Maybe it was just all that she expected. Maybe she would be wrong. She hoped she would be wrong.

Corona turned up punctually, neither early nor late and settled in with the group. Jasper wasn't there and Corona hoped he wouldn't show up; a jag in the straight line of her thoughts that was just as indifferent to what would happen as it was concern or fear. Her eyes traced the outlines of familiar and unfamiliar bodies but did not linger until she had reached Gabriel. She tried to read his expression for a few moments but ended up pulling it away to wander, passing off the curiosity for a wordless greeting that bowed momentarily as a nod. It was more or less her way of saying that she was there wholly and not too far gone in her head for the day. Her days of detachment were beginning to ebb away.

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