You call that Dancing?

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Svara growled the dagger in her hand had been taken from Cwmfen's den. The sharp utensil had been missed since it was the one Cwmfen had given to her but then taken away. Grasping the raven hilt in her hand she put her hand to the nearest trunk. Starting to carve into the trunk she thought about her fight with Leroy. To her it was stupid and not worth thinking about. Stopping her carving she moved through the trees her hands brushing them so she wouldn't run into them.

A scarlet cloth was tied around her scarred eyes to keep the salve on the wounds. Putting the dagger in the ground she shifted to her wolf form and stretched her long legs. Luperci was over rated in her opinion. Although she and cwmfen hadn't really started working on learning defense with no sight Svara was sure she wouldn't need her sight as much as she thought she would. Picking the dagger up in her maw again she trotted only a few hundred feet away to start gathering the herbs she wanted. What else was there to do around here?


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