more bombs are coming
Feel free to have Corvus bloody him up. I want Ezekiel to get a scar (or two) on his face from this. Then I can use that picture you sent me for him. :]

     Tristan had taught him about weapons, and how in battle, it was not these that failed, but the men who used them. His father had furthered this knowledge (though unarmed), and told him that surprise was the best advantage. To be caught unaware meant the enemy was better; and then you were either lucky or dead. Ezekiel had never really imagined he would be in such a situation. He was training without the threat of war, for he underestimated this place. He had underestimated the people; that someone would seek to ruin him without provocation had never even crossed his mind.
     The man came for him with a seemingly unnatural speed. Ezekiel tensed and tried to read his opponent, but his inexperience prevented such a thing until it was too late. A heavy object collided with his jaw, and he balked, staggering sideways. The force was enough that he felt his feet leave the ground. Time raced; he hit the dirt and realized he was vulnerable. There was no time left. The coyote scrambled and managed to get his belly on the ground, to protect it, and knew quite suddenly that if he did not get away soon he would be dead.

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