more bombs are coming

     There was a sharp and splitting pain in his side. It was as if the wind had been knocked out of him with a knife, and the boy gasped, was struck again, and his mind was enveloped by white light. Only then did it occur to him that perhaps this was his test, as Talitha’s rape had been hers. This was God’s Will, and this was what He was doing to test the limits of faith.
     It was her voice that broke through the demon’s laughter. Ezekiel’s eyes snapped open and for one brief moment saw nothing but white, and then he was encompassed by the darkness. The coyote knew that the woad was a warrior, and knew she was formidable, but he did not know if she could fight this madman. He did not realize she recognized the pied wolf and he did not recognize that this had been his goal all along. What flooded his mind was instinct, the need above all else to survive.
     With a snarl, he whipped his head around, blindly striking out for any portion of the wolf. Even if it meant nothing, he would try.

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