Sobriety is a curable condition
I feel horrible that this is so late... It's really crappy since I'm busy with feeling bad. D:

The cold, burning sensation of the alcohol running down her throat gave Allegro nothing but pure happiness. She was clutching the bottle of swig in her paws, held tightly in her grasp. She had lately felt tense and up tight but the beer made her feel loose and stress free. All she had yearned for was to see the day the young woman would do nothing but sit back, relax and drink. With the worry over her mate and transforming into a Luperci, it was hard to realize when that day would come or if it had already came. She hoped that the day had finally came and that day was today, the one day where she was relaxing.

Instantly after drinking the alcohol, Allegro felt woozey. Her head throbbed with a slight pain but she paid no notice to it. Continuing to drink from the cup, she was suddenly certain that she would be able to relax, even if it meant she had to be drunk doing it. It was her second time with alcohol after the one time where she had tried it and became hooked. Allegro was over a year old by a few months but she knew that she shouldn't be drinking as much as she would. But, heck, she was trying to relax, right? Alcohol could give it to her, she knew.

Allegro became impaitent with herself. Bored, too. Tired as well. She stood up from her squating position and padded over to a tree. The young woman heard some slurping noises and realized it was another wolf. Oh, great. Someone to ruin her night. Allegro grimly thought of ideas of who could it be. Probably another silly little male too drunk for his own good. Or an annoying, high pitched female who wanted to press her buttons. Allegro walked from the tree over to the person, noticing it was indeed a male. She moaned quietly at the thoughts.

"Hey. Who are you, buddy?" Allegro said, taking another sloppy swig of her drink. She was not drunk. Yet.


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