come on in, the water's fine

It had been some time since she had ventured out to meet someone knew, well someone who she might have an actual conversation with. The things that she had been dealing with lately were over her head, and she was striving for some simple company. No arguments, no awkward subjects, no pressing matters. Just exchanging smiles and friendly stories, and it seemed like this female was searching some of the same. Anu couldn’t help at smile as she watched the jumpy girl scoot over and make room for her. A grateful smile covered her face as she sat.

Next time. Anu waved the idea of glasses off, knowing that the bottles would do just fine. Settled beside Coli she introduced herself, Anu A pause led her into her answer, Yes. She spoke with a laugh, tying hard not to remember the events that wine had led to, and the black hole that the trigger had caused to rip through her world’s lining. As comfortable as ever, she hoped to ease the obvious insecurity that the other had written on her body.

Wine is good to start with. Anu spoke as an experienced drinker, and took the light blush colored bottle that stood among the assortment. If she was hoping for something new, Anu was sure that they could have fun experiencing it together. What brings you all the way out here? She smelled of far away, a place that held no name to the Crimson Dreams wolfess but she had taken the time to travel to. It wasn’t just around the corner. And of course she always wanted to know why she choose to drink alone.

Anu was happy to remedy that problem, uncorking the bottle with a pop and savoring the flavor as it touched her lips.


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