just high enough to get through - p

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!! out of character.


Even the blind could have bad days. She wasn't known for being the best character. She wasn't known for doing the smartest things around. Svara stumbled a large glass bottle in her other hand as she caught a tree for balance. So she had stolen a large bottle of whiskey. Maybe she did miss Leroy more then she should, and maybe she was feeling self pity for her lost sight. Giggling impishly she put the bottle to her lips again and took a large gulp. It wasn't her first bottle, hell maybe it wasn't even her second one. Laughing really loud she pulled the red cloth from her eyes hoping her one good eye would help her from running into a tree.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK A DUCK!.........SCREW A KANGAROOO!!!" Svara laughed really hard and she screamed the profanity into a song. "FINGER BANG AN ORANGATANG!" Her words were slurred as she went. "IT'S AN ORGY AT THE ZOO!" The red she wolf snorted and leaned on her staff. Turning around in random circles she hadn't noticed the white female. With a large scream Svara fell over the women onto her ass.

Her bottle was still in her hand the large staff on the ground beside her. Gurgling Svara sat up and growled. "WHAT THE HELL MAN! It's all your FAULT MAN. DON"T YOU KNOW.........god you smell good what is that? Is that more drink?" Svara grinned and crawled towards the form the smell revealing more of her own addicint substance. Crawling into the womens lap she tried to pry the bottle from her hands. "FUCKING SHARE!"


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