He let his mind stray for a breif moment to his various adventures, exploits, and lifestyles. "Oh, yes... My favorite place I've ever lived is New Orleans. I especially miss the pecan pralines, and going out for beignets and coffee in the French Quarter on Sunday mornings after church. There's the most beautiful cathedral there. The ceiling is so high, you'd think it must hit the sky, the way it looks form inside..." his voice trailed off. His eyes had a dreamy quality, and he smiled faintly, his muzzle crinkling just behind his nose as hias tail swished back and forth once or twice.

The sound of another thunderclap, the loudest yet, startled him out of his reverie. He seemed to be falling into a lot o those lately, a small part of him noted as his grin widened and took on a rakish angle, or it would have in his Optime form. He loved thunderstorms. Inhaling deeply, he giggled quite childishly. "Ah! Smell all that ozone? Heheehee! Splendid! Simply Splendid!"

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