with us to watch the minutes of this night

It was serene. The brook was far more tranquil than the springs to the west of the pack lands and Tayui could feel all the tension from her day slowly wearing away. It was nice to be able to simply sit and relax, especially after all that had been going on. She had met with Pilot and discussed low-speech, entertained a puppy in Storm for a few hours (and had been asked to sometime show him a few things when he got older), met with an old acquaintance and spoke for hours with a very familiar one. She had spent so much time working through the unfamiliar and creating new routines that she was surprised she was still functioning. Anyone could push themselves past their limit, but it took a great deal of effort to stop when you knew you should.

She closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the quiet stirring of the brook, keeping time with it as she hummed. She remained like that, content to revel in her solitude until the sound of approaching footsteps was heard echoing off the walls of the cavern. She opened her eyes slowly, watching as a dark-hued wolf came into view. It took some time, for he blended in with the shadows and it was only his eyes that gave him away as he approached. She twisted a smile into a wry grin as he spoke, shaking her head in reply. "Thank you," she said automatically, chuckling quietly. "I'm not much of a singer, though. I just hum to the sound of the water." It was peaceful, serene, and calming. It was the best she could manage in ways of creativity. She could not draw, paint, act, sing, or dance, so she had resorted to humming. It suited her just fine, for it was far less obtrusive than any other form of creative expression, and she could do so quietly and oftentimes without notice.


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