with us to watch the minutes of this night

Tayui nodded sombrely, she too wishing that the male could have met the old Alpha. Mordulin had been known throughout the lands as being the timeless Alpha, the one who never left without notice, the one who was unwaveringly reliable. In some ways, her reputation had made her departure even more difficult. Tayui had grown up in the lands learning of the things that did not change: Mordulin's presence was one of them. When she left, the world had been turned upside down, and anything improbable seemed possible. If one law was being dismissed, why should the others remain?

Again, Tayui motioned her reply with a shake of her head. It was Fatin who seemed to be everyone's grandmother, mother, or great-grandmother. Tayui's puppies had been adopted, and her own mate had been a ghost longer than she had been her mate when she was alive. "We are all family. I'm related to none by blood, but I did have two puppies I adopted as my own when my mate was alive. Even now, however, Jaded Shadows does not seem to need even unofficial titles. We've grown to become a family more than a pack." In so many regards, this was true. Although it was arguable, Tayui could see how, as wolves especially, it was no longer a pack. Submission of subordinates had been all but abandoned, for it seemed as though a simple acknowledgement would suffice. Packs could be ruled by two females, unrelated, and in no way romantically involved. Members did not fight for ranks, but earned them. In many ways, it was similar to a human household, or even human businesses. It was curious how their ability to shift had changed their very ideology. They were still animals, yes, but they had evolved to a great degree, both physically and how they thought. Perhaps she would record this some time as a new book, one examining the changes in canine society and packs.


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