with us to watch the minutes of this night

She smiled in reply to the male's comment, glad he was able to find something truly likable about the pack. If anything, it was one of her favourite things about the Shadows lands as well. No matter what, she would always love the pack, the one that had nurtured her so lovingly when she had first arrived, and had allowed her to grow as the months went by. Being one of the Alpha's was one of the greatest honours she could have ever received. Thinking about the pack like this always brought a smile to her face, and now, hers widened at the thought.

Tayui nodded as Valentine made to move, watching him for a few moments as he spoke. "Yes, hopefully we will be able to talk again in the future. It was a pleasure, Valentine." She nodded once more in finality as she watched the dark male leave. She shifted back, moving away from the water, watching for a few more moments before Valentine's form merged with the shadows. She closed her eyes once the other had left, resting her head on her paws. After a few minutes, she had fallen fast asleep.


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