Had Me at Hello

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!! out of character.

Let me show you the wonders of life

Fred sighed and leaned back on her toes not as worried about the fellow after he started teasing with her. She had almost hit him and it would have been a complete accident. "No I was aiming for the tree, but Monsieur I don't know what I would have done had I hit you. Je suis Desole." She apologized again. Pushing her blonde braid behind her shoulder out of irritation she got to her feet short and very lost as to what to do. Only a few moments ago she had been angry at Lysander, or more herself for liking the pain in the ass. Why did she have to like a male who could dish out sex, but not a good relationship?

Reaching down for her bow she let her nerves loosen so she didn't feel so weak in the knees. Opening her blue eye and half green eye she stared at the small stranger, who saddly was still bigger then she. "Ares your new to the pack." She stated it still covered with a thick french accent. "My name is Whinifred, but you may call me Fred." She said to the male before her. "My mind was lost in thought before. I'll make sure not to get that close to hitting you next time." Now a smile did pull across her lips.


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