you will find him here.
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This coyote was so bizarre. Suddenly it dawned on the man what he reminded him of. It was such a distant memory and yet here and now it swam up to the surface of his consciousness. There had been a story, a book, which the man that had saved his infant life had read to him while he had been recovering from his mother's attack. The name of the story escaped him, but there had been a character much like this creature. A cat with a wide grin who was also mad. It was like this red-eyed canine had completely taken on that character and was now standing before him. But Onus was no little girl and this was no dream.

"Yes. Noticed that because not a normal statement." In fact, it really made no sense at all. Apparently it meant something, at least to this male, but whatever it was the vigilante could not grasp it. He was talking in circles and Onus wasn't sure if he was going to get anything more from this conversation. Still, his face stayed in its usual neutral position. "So you have seen him? What do you mean by here? In this forest?" Was the clanmember trying to toy with him. He did not like being toyed with. Unfortunately now he could not solve that problem with his usual methods. He hated being so useless.


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