nobody tells you where to go

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!! out of character.

Let me show you the wonders of life

Whinifred sat against a tree making more arrows when she heard the deafening sound of a wolfs howl. Musing on the noise fred got to her feet and pulled her bow on her shoulder while the arrows were on a case also hanging at her shoulder. All of the items proved her craftmens ship with leather and wood. As she moved from her spot she couldn't help but wonder why some one was calling at the border so late at night. A long blonde braid teased her tail bone as she walked closer to the where the howl had originated from. She had thought to cut the long hair, but in the end had kept it.

Strawberry blonde women moved gracefully until she could see the women. She was older then Fred and much darker in color. Of course she was also bigger then her. If anything Fred wasn't known for being a large she wolf. Small and puggy would be a better way to describe the young french women. Moving out from the shadow of the tree she spoke up. "Bonjour Madame. What may I ask did you need?" Her voice was deeply accented and a small grin tilted the corner of her mouth


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