the grass is greener
Oceane had been bored. She was tired of staying inside the packlands so today she took on the role of the naughty pup and had escaped under the barbwire fence and scampered off into the night. She wagged her tiny banner of a tail back and forth and grinned. She had no clue where she was but she could smell the scents of other wolves and knew she must be close to another tribe. Quivering with excitement the girl scampered along the edge of the scent markers and kept her wide eyes open for the sight of anyone else. There had to be someone out there, she could smell them, why were they hiding from her!

Climbing onto a rock the small child tilted her head back and let out a very puppy like howl to announce to anyone nearby that there was a child on the loose! She grinned to herself as she hopped off the rock and began to chase a grasshopper that had sprung out of the grasses and into her path. Her tail beat furiously as she pounced at the grasshopper, missing but within seconds was on her paws again tumbling after the silly little beast that would soon become her prey.

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