the grass is greener
"Och, AH loove adventures. 'Tis 'ow Ah go' 'ere ta join Crims'n Dr'ms." The tiny pup seemed so much like pups he had seen before: eager for new experiences. Oceane reminded him of himself in that manner. Perhaps he hadn't forgotten all there was to playing.What am I watching fors? A smile graced the large male's face and his tail wagged at the small one's speech. Moose was rather suprised that Oceane understood him so well when some of the adults had difficulties.

Now to show the fey what to look for. Crouching down he inched forward quickly, his paw swatting at a large swatch of grass. From it leapt several different types of bugs: grasshoppers, crickets, a moth, a few gnats and even a stink bug trundled away from his attack. All of these he sent towards the small huntress. She wasn't quite set for the action, but all the better to help her hunting skills. A hunt almost never worked as planned, this he knew all too well. His worst and probably the most fun hunt was the one he lead after some mountain goats. Luckily none of his pack was injured (it had, after all, been most of the larger hunters in his clan), and good meat was caught. He had actually gotten a butt from the leader of the goats in the process because he was trying to show-out for some of the yearlings that were watching from a safe distance.

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