light it up

She hadn't left her cabin in days, not even for food, living on stale water and left over granola bars from hundreds of years ago. Sabeen was sick, sick but she was innocent and they'd never believe her, she knew, and so she stayed where she sat, her only light the fire from her heroin, as if to portend her immediate future. She was hungry, her fur grossly matted, hair unkempt, but she was innocent and the innocent would prevail always.

The voice came, a voice she had expected that send icy daggers of hate down her spine, Firefly. The irony of her name wasn't apparent at the moment. For the first time in days the lady rose and made her way to the window, wheat eyes peering through the dirty glass. She hissed unhappily. It was unlikely the other would leave, but at least she was safe, having barricaded her door securely in the days before. 'Warum sollte ich herauskommen? Ich habe nichts getan. Lassen Sie mich im Frieden! Ich hasse Sie!' She screamed, and turned away, wanting the earth to eat the copper bitch whole.

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