The tiny girl had closed her eyes and the shrill scream was the only sound she heard. Suddenly she had been pulled up out of harms way, but in the mind of the child it was just another monster that had snatched her up. Wringing and wiggling in the younger male's arms she began to panic. Something was going wrong and she wasn't certain just what. There was a sharp pain in her belly and everything seemed to be moving and changing. She screamed again, not hearing the words of the male as he attempted to place her between his feet to protect her from the four legged beast that had been chasing her down.

The little child was shifting for the first time and though she knew that all luperci learned to shift before their first birthday normally she had no clue how it happened or what it would be like. Witnessing with her own eyes the change overcoming her body as she was locked up by her fear she curled up in the fetal position and just cried. Bitter tear pouring down her cheeks as the shift too effect.

The whole time that the two were spatting above her her body was shifting and slowly and painstakingly becoming that of her optime form. Her wide eyes saw nothing but the monster before her as he too seemed to shift into a bigger badder creature than he had been moments before. As he moved to take a step forward in her direction she didn't realize that the shift had finally finished, but it would only be moments until she did.

Trying to scoot back further under the towering monster that had picked her up the small girl found that she couldn't move efficiently on her own four paws anymore. Stopping to try and see just what was wrong the fear stricken child let out a ear piercing wail as the freakish new form of her hands and feet fell into her field of vision. Today just wasn't Zana's day at all.

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