the fields are my home
It was mid afternoon. It was still the same day that Flay joined. Anu had just finished giving her a tour around the pack. Now, the girl just wanted to sit down and rest. With each footstep, she walked through the soft grass that was decorated with many kinds of flowers. It was like a flower shop, only the flowers are still in the ground. It was like at home. Flowers surrounded her old home, which was now a deteriorating wooden cabin that seemed to have taken a nasty blow by time.

The girl saw this place as a good stop to rest on. Thankfully, it was near the main pack homes, so she didn't have far to walk to. The girl looked up. The sky was showing it's blue beauty from bewteen the clouds. Lately, the clouds have been clearing up. Hopefully, there won't be any rain for a while. The cool breeze came by, and the girl enjoyed it running through her hair and pelt. She sat down on the soft grass as she examined the many flowers that were present. She placed her staff, which she seemed to carry with her where ever she goes, beside her, in case of dangerous emergencies. Looking around at the variety of the colorful petals, she started to pick some of them. One looked like a red tulip. She put it in her hair as a... colorful decoration. She smiled at the thought. She was already having a fun time.

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