the fields are my home
A sad look graced the face of the Little Flower, and Moose gently nudged her shoulder with his own. His tail thumped softly on the ground behind them, scattering pollen from the flowers. The granules drifted upwards and becoming ensnared by the wind, swirled beautifully around them. He smiled and laughed slightly at the event he had accidentally created. It was hard for him to find sadness since he had arrived here in Crimson Dreams.

Of course, the nightmares still occasionally found him. These were the worst. Terrible dreams of his loss, coupled by the horrible deeds he had done in his past. It was no wonder he was haunted by their memory. Or rather, memories. Too many he had done, and so hard he tried to forget.

However, it was a new time in his life, and he tried tot see nothing but rainbows and roses. Currently, there were lots of roses. Yeh seem jist aboot as well tra'eled as Ah am. Ah knaow whit et feels lahke ta beh on tha move all tha tahme.

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