God is not here today.
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Alexey did not like what she saw; the way her Lillium stared her down as if she was some kind of prey. There was a hunger in his icy blue eyes and it sent chills up her spine. His strange behavior was enough to make her take a step back, just to be on the safe side. It was the first time she’d felt fear in her leader’s presence, and it probably wouldn't be the last time. Part of her knew the chocolate male would never do anything to harm a fellow pack mate, but that was under normal circumstances. His fever was reaching new heights and Lexey feared that his sickness would drive him on the verge of insanity.

It wasn’t her safety she was worried about; the two boys sleeping downstairs were her main concern. The Caregiver watched as the male dug his sharp talons into the mattress, hoping she would not become his next scratching post. His face contortioned into a grimace, as if possessed by some kind of demon. Alexey grew tense with every passing second, wondering what would come next. His eyes closed, and a comment passed his lips. Hurts? Needless to say, the tawny girl was baffled. She’d expected him to become enraged and lash out at her for invading his personal space. But he didn’t. He did just the opposite, as a matter of fact.

His voice was nowhere near as harsh as she’d expected it to be. She remained quiet, at a loss of words. Haku was not someone you could easily approach, she knew that much. He was nothing like Conor. He was hurting, yes, and although Lexey wanted his pain to go away, she couldn’t simply take him into her arms and soothe him like she often did with Conor. He was a dangerous man. And now that this sickness had poisoned his mind, his actions were unpredictable.

Then he said something else: don’t be angry. Alexey held her breath, keeping her amber-colored eyes on his face. What was he talking about? She wasn’t angry. A little put off by the mess he’d just made, but that was his problem. It was his house, not hers. “I’m not angry,” she answered hesitantly, wondering just what was going through his twisted mind.

Another puzzling sentence reached her ears. Was he hallucinating? A frown creased her forehead as she attempted to decipher his cryptic words. Was he subconsciously feeling guilty over something he’d done in the past? Who was his aunt? “What didn’t you do?” she questioned, moving forward this time.

Alexey glanced down at the wet cloth in her hands before carefully applying it to his forehead. It would cool his temperature down. At least, she hoped so. The three-year-old femme knew next to nothing when it came to illnesses. She’d go find a healer if her attempt at lowering his temperature did not work. Lexey took a seat on the edge of the mattress, scrutinizing the male’s every movement, waiting to see if the wet cloth would help any.


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