Hello World, this is me

She wasn't ambitious enough to even try for large game. Not yet at least. She was still a bit too small for that just yet. But perhaps coming up sometime in the future she could try? Maybe after she had a couple more months or so on her? She would just have to wait and see but for now Selene would just have to stick with the small things that she knew that she knew that she could capture. But she would have ot remember that squirrels were out of the question. No hunting squirrels. What would she do if someone decided to make friends with the rabbits? What would she eat then?

"I can't swim so I can't fish." There was no point in trying to fish if she couldn't get her won self out of the water should she fall in. She had just gotten lucky before. She had been mostly on the other side and only had to pull herself out. She would have been in a heap of trouble if she had gone under in the middle of the river. At that time she would have been at the mercy of the current. Wherever the river wanted to take her would be where she would go. There wasn't much that she could say or do about it otherwise.

What Pheonix said made sense. But she hadn't really though to play during the middle of the night. Rather she would find herself curled right on in here and sleeping. At least she supposed that she would be asleep by that time. "I've got a brother named after the sun because he is bright. His name is Helios." Find her family? She knew where they were. "I know where my Mom, brother, uncles and aunt are. I just haven't found my dad yet." That was the only family that she knew about that was missing. She knew nothing about her dad's side of the family. Just like she didn't know of older siblings. Perhaps her search for her dad would have her running into those that she knew nothing about.


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