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Ghita did look a little like her sibling Ehno, but Savina was a much darker color and she did not resemble her as much. Ghita did not know how many black wolves were out there but to her Savina's color was very special. Maybe here they had more black wolves then they had back home. She had always been very jealous of her sister's color, the way her green eyes stood out from the black.

The timberwolf colored fem looked down at the gray one curiously and a little shyly. This kind of reminded her of something she had heard before...the tale of Romeo and Juliet. She was up on the roof, and him down on the ground. But no, that was silly. She didn't even know who he was! Or who many others in the pack for that matter. "Hello...on ground!" She managed to say, halfway understanding the message that he had been trying to get across. He sounded very different from Savina and the others who had tried to speak to her here before.

The idea that she ought to come down from the roof came to her and she held up a paw to tell him to wait there, jumping down through a top window and down a few staircases to get to the outside of the mansion. Breathing heavily, the fem looked to see if he was still there. "ooh...tired now. Name is...?" She had to know his name.


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