i dreamed a dream of times gone by - p ares

Geneva lifted her face to the cool air, reveling in the warming of spring. The sky was clear of rain clouds, although white wisps lingered in the air, sometimes covering the sun. She loved the feeling of sunlight on her face, glad that spring would soon arrive in full force. She was tiring of the endless cold, sometimes secretly afraid that storm clouds would never lift. Her feet ached to sink into soft soil and lush grasses. She wanted to close her eyes and lie in a pool of light. But that was what summer time was for, and it would be here soon enough. For now, she was just grateful that the shadows left by winter seemed to be lifting.

Her body still ached, but she moved more freely now, venturing out from the safety and seclusion of the ranch. Things had quieted down around there, probably because the influx of newcomers and the warming of the air. Addison was growing, slowly but surely. And Geneva had been avoiding Jefferson like the plague, for some reason completely embarrassed. Her skin was still bruised beneath her light gray fur, and she still smelled faintly metallic from blood, although she had cleansed herself several times. The scabs stood out, dark and patchy, against her fur.

She saw in her lupus form, fearful to shift lest she rip open her scabs and reopen her wounds again. Lime green eyes blinked against the light of the sun, foolishly staring at the orb in the sky for a moment. Everything was so bright, so all encompassing. She blinked, unable to stand it for too long. White dots danced in her vision as she turned her head toward the ground, regaining her sight. She watched those small dots spin into nothing as vision returned slowly.


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