Show me the way to the next whiskey bar
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Silly Heath! Left is right and right is wrong XD

Haven watched disinterestedly as the other looked for a bottle of his liking. Whatever. As long as the hybrid didn't plan on taking too many. As far as he was concerned as long as he stayed here the booze belonged to him. It was his only escape from the shit his life had become and he wouldn't be unburdened of what he deemed to be too much. He took another swig as Heath did the same with his bottle. The boy recognized the label as the stuff he had drank with his sister Brooklyn not too long ago. But at his last words Haven's lips raised showing his ivory teeth. "What the hell is it with you people and earrings?! It's got nothing to do with no one or who I like!" While he had never heard the term "fag" before, considering their last conversation he had made an educated guess.

His gazed averted off to the side while his anger burned as hot in his veins as the whiskey did down his throat. "If you gotta know, my dad's a rapist and murderer and I look jus' like 'im." He hoped the truth would stop the male from asking stupid questions. He didn't want to talk about his sexual preferences or anything of the sort. What the hell did any of the matter now? Siobhan would never want to be with someone like him. He wouldn't put her in that kind of danger either. It was better if he was just alone so he never had the chance to follow in his father's footsteps.

Another drink, a long one. The bottle was almost empty already.


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