Show me the way to the next whiskey bar
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If possible saying it out loud had put him in an even fouler mood. It usually would have taken a lot more poking and prodding before he would have admitted it. Even then he probably would have just snapped at whoever was asking before actually saying it. Heaving a sigh he finished off the rest of the bottle, looking with lightless eyes on the now empty container. How had things come to this. First his mothers had broken up and now this. His life had gone from fine to rock bottom in record time. What had he done to deserve this? Or was it simply the fate of someone of his birth?

At least Heath was dropping the earring thing. Haven was not violent by nature, but the combination of his anger at his heritage and the alcohol might have actually allowed him to get into a fight if provoked further. There was no saying if he would win or lose, just that he wasn't as dismissive of the notion as he normally would be. The boy snorted a bit at the response to his admission. "Yeah seriously. Who lies about that shit?" Who would honestly want people to think that about them? No one in their right mind, that was for sure. He might not have exactly been in his right mind, but he wasn't that far gone.

At the laugh he gave the black gloved guy another annoyed look which quickly was replaced by something else. A sort of cautious curiosity. "You too? Really?" Well, he definitely wasn't expecting that. Though it certainly could explain some of Heath's more abrasive qualities. He watched as the male took another long drink from the vodka bottle and he felt his heart begin to burn with anger as the other spoke. Something lit in his jade eyes at that moment, a light that had never been present in them before. "Yeah! Like we wouldn't know, tha' we wouldn't find out or anythin'! My whole damn pack knows, I know they do!" In a sudden fit of rage Haven shoved his empty bottle to slide down the bar and to shatter against the brick wall.

"I don't understand why he's not already dead. Why no ones killed him yet." He wanted to. The boy had never expected to have the urge to kill anyone, but he wanted to kill Conri Church. Maybe that would somehow sanitize him. Make up for his bad blood. He wanted another drink, and Heath was already behind the bar. "Gotta another whiskey bottle back there?"


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