Cherished dreams are never asleep
ooc: Word Count: 403
Rath nodded as Cercelee introduced herself. The rank she mentioned, Rosea, puzzled him for a moment, but it didn't take him long to calculate the status which the word was associated with. The fact that everyone acknowledged her when they entered the celebration likely meant that she was the head of the pack. Good, he had finally met the pack's leader. Then, he heard her answer his question. Today was the pack's first birthday? How wonderful! Granted, he had only been part of the pack for a few weeks, but he still felt a sense of pride welling up within him. "Well, congratulations to Dahlia de Mai, then," Rath replied, smiling and bowing slightly before taking his leave. He noticed Mew speaking with Coli and smiled at the sight of the timid femme. He would have to wait his turn to speak with her however, as it appeared the pack musician was just beginning her conversation. Then he noticed the white woman sitting beside his shy friend. His gooseberry green opt studied her for a moment. She had a regal bearing about her, and it intrigued the curious male. He strolled over to her and smiled in his usual friendly manner. Normally he would not be one to start a conversation, especially with a stranger, but this woman seemed to be friends with Coli. They were sitting on the same log, so it was obvious they knew each other. If Coli was friends with her, she must have been a nice person and there was no apparent reason for him to be nervous or apprehensive. He strode up to the female and spoke in a warm friendly tone. "Good evening, madam," he greeted, his white tufted ears perked forward to focus on the conversation at hand, "I'm new to Dahlia de Mai, and I thought I should say hello. My name is Henratha Gyrkin, but please call me Rath. I find that my first name tends to be a bit tedious to repeat over and over again in conversation," he chuckled light-heartedly as he knelt down to be at the woman's eye level. That was polite wasn't it? He didn't want her to have to look up at him while they spoke, especially since he was so tall. His tail, hanging limp behind his form picked up a slight, happy wag. This was a party after all, no need to be tense.

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