yesterday's news
Firefly had been having doubts about what was left of her future within the pack, with the way everything was starting to turn she really didn't think she'd be hanging around much longer. The golden bronze woman had been wandering through the human village trying to decide if it was better to just go now or if there was anything worth hanging around for. The scent of her exmate and the Lilium reached her ears as she realized she'd turned herself around in her tracks and had found herself down the block that the male lived. Her shoulders drooped slightly as she realized that she knew the only thing that was holding her back from leaving the pack was right down the sidewalk. With a soft sigh she continued down the path and towards the home that housed her two young sons.

She had no intent on stopping and visiting, the adults that tended to occupy the house were not ones that she wished to see anytime soon. She had once been close to both and now it seemed like they were enemies. She wouldn't admit it but she knew it was all her fault for the broken bonds between them all. She lifted her eyes to glance at the house as she was coming upon the path that lead up to the porch, she could imagine the children inside, either annoying their father to no end or playing happily with Alexey. Her ears pinned back in a flash, the woman seemed to have taken her place as the children's mother and that was perhaps the thing that hurt the most.

She shook her head sadly and closed her eyes, perhaps it was better for them all if she just disappeared.

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