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Normally the woman kept up her appearances, not letting the others of the pack see her emotions past the main one she'd always shown, that of a woman who just didn't care, but now she'd let her guard down and having not strayed far enough away from the pack she'd been caught out in her raging temper. The scent of the younger girl made her freeze for a second before she realized who it was and generally began to ease up. Her emerald orbs turned towards the figure as she made her way across the sands, the staff adding her more than the basically bind eyes she sported.

The words from the girl were the truth and Firefly almost nodded in agreement before she remembered the facts that were staring her right in the face. "The pack seems to like to remind me that I'm not worth talking to anymore.." she said darkly. Firefly's ears were flipped back from when she had watched Svara place the red bandanna across her eyes. She tried to keep from commenting but a soft growl finally escaping her throat as she was reminded who have the girl such scars. Her voice was bitter as she spat out the truth. "You don't have to hide from me Svara.." She had tried to kill the bitch who had given the girl such scars but hadn't succeeded. Too bad, she would have liked to have seen what dear little Cercelee would have done to her then.

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