Hi-ho Hi-ho it's off to work we go
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ooc -
hope you don't mind me wrapping this up? it seems we've gotten to a point in the thread where both of our muses are dropping off a little, haha. we should definitely have a thread once enough time has passed that you think the chair would be completed, or sometime before perhaps Big Grin. 235 words.

ic -
Tokyo nodded. Blah blah blah greenhouse blah blah. The important thing was, he was going to make her a chair. Good, he agreed to her request and she didn't even have to stop being pleasant. His willingness to please her reminded the female even further of her old friend Champ. This was shaping up to be a rather nice day, actually. Which was surprising, since she thought it was pretty much ruined after having been woken up so rudely. Well, he certainly cleared his name - or would, as long as he followed through on his promise. But why would he be so dumb as to tell her he'd do something only to back out of it later? No, he would certainly deliver to her a chair. And then that would be awesome.

She beamed, truly happy, and it suited her pretty face much more than it's usual scowl or fake, over-innocent mask. "That would be amazing. Thank you so much." As interested as he was in talking about his trade, Tokyo's patience for things she didn't care that much about was wearing somewhat thin. Pretending, of course, to have his best interests in mind: "Well, I should stop interfering and let you figure out exactly what tools you found. If you're looking for me later, my den's northeast from here, along the coast." Tokyo grinned again and waved as she departed towards the door.


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