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The wind was blowing to the north. The grass was going along with the wind. Fallen leaves from the trees were being blown away. Spring was still upon the world. Actually, no one wants it to leave. However, they all know that spring is a season that just comes and goes. Pendzez walked along the path that was covered with leaves and was dusty gravel. It seemed hard, but not sore on his feet. The day was long and good walk would make it quick. Lately, he's been only doing things to make time go faster. Geez, that's lazy.

He walked further on the path until he came upon a mill, or what looked like a mill. He wasn't sure if he'd seen it before. There were still some places for him to see in the pack. If he was correct, it should be the Saunder's Mill. The wheel was still there. However, time was being less kind to it. It looked like it was going back to nature where it once came. Pendzez thought to check the place out though. He just started to approach it.

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