about a shotgun wedding

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the public don’t dwell on my transmission

Maybe he was overreacting. Giggle couldn't even remember exactly what had happened, but he knew, he knew he had made Talitha angry. They had been drinking, they had been on the beach drinking. And he had done or said something? The details were foggy. No, he had definitely said something. Damn it, why couldn't he remember? He wanted to know what he had done. Now it was around his neck, an albatross. But he would make it better! She couldn't hate him, or anything. She was just mad. He'd apologize, that's what he'd do. But he didn't want to just apologize, 'cause it must have been bad to make her angry. Tal had never struck him as the easy-to-anger type. So he went to Hailfax, with his CD player. He had gotten it to start working again, thanks to Maserati's help. He even had a few CDs. Gig had been lucky enough to come across an old music store. They had everything. He'd spent a whole day there, once, listening to different music. Some he liked, the ones with a lot of rhythm. He liked the blues, soul-singers, jazz. He didn't like the crashing noises from the rock bands, though.

He entered the music shop, still trying to come up with an amazing way to apologize for his transgression. Oh! That's what he'd do. He'd find some music, some nice music, and he'd give it to her. But did Talitha have a CD player? He didn't know. Maybe he'd have to give away his CD player, too. The young male looked at it, frowning. He liked his CD player. Gig had even fixed it himself. With help. But his closest friend was surely more important than his CD player? Maybe he could find another one. Or maybe she'd give it back later. (He was being stupid, he realized.) Anyway, it was a good plan. Now he just needed to find music.


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