about a shotgun wedding

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the public don’t dwell on my transmission

Giggle had dropped his habit of self consciously rubbing his purple-dyed patch whenever he felt someone was looking at it. In fact, he almost had forgotten it's existence, except to note that it was taking curiously long to fade (it didn't occur to him that you would need to scrub it daily with human soaps and shampoos to begin to make an impact). Indigo eyes had switched to the player and remained there until he spoke again. Gig nodded in agreement. 'Yeah, I don't know how they figured all this stuff out. Sure,' he added in response to the male's question. He was a little reluctant to just hand over his precious player, but he didn't want to start something. Besides, the other male seemed genuine. 'Here,' he mumbled and looked up briefly to hear the male's name. 'Kansas, then. I'm Giggle,' his reluctance to give his name had also faded as he matured.

He held the player facing the white male and pointed to the latch on the side of it. 'This little thing opens it, you gotta push it to the left.' As he spoke, he demonstrated, releasing the top to spring open. It revealed the little space for the disc to be placed. Giggle paused and balanced the player in one hand, pulling out a random disc from the rows. 'Half of these don't work,' he warned lightly, in case the disc refused to play. 'You put the disc there. See how it has a hole in the center? It fits around the little sticking-up cylinder, right here.' The Imaginifer popped the disc into it's place and shut the top again. He pressed the on button located on the top of the player. It blinked into life, displaying the weird numbers he hadn't quite figured out yet. 'Uh, and then you just put on the headphones,' the hybrid held them up, then extended his hands so the other could take them, 'and press play. If the disc isn't too scratched up it'll play.' Hesitantly he held out the player for Kansas to take, ignoring the urge to snatch it back immediately and hide it.


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