about a shotgun wedding

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the public don’t dwell on my transmission

He felt a twinge of guilt as the other chewed his lip. Giggle hadn't meant to seem reluctant, even if he was. Another creature might've offered a reassuring smile, but that motion was foreign to his mouth. Instead he frowned apologetically, although he still cupped the player protectively. He was still worried about it breaking, after all. 'You too,' the Inferni member returned with a small nod. This Kansas fellow was actually quite nice. Now he really felt bad for his selfish display. What were the chances, after all, that it would get broken? (Okay, so, many chances, he though nervously.)

'Go ahead,' Giggle said, hiding any anxiety as the other took the player and nodding lightly. He looked back to the CD shelves, momentarily resuming his search for the perfect song or songs to apologize to Talitha with. The male's voice brought him from his search, indigo eyes first shooting to the player to involuntarily check it before going back to Kansas. 'Yeah, some abandoned store or another. At first I didn't understand it but this friend of mine worked with human stuff before and she explained it to me.' He thought fondly of Maserati and her funny manner of speaking.

Giggle looked at Kansas and back at the player, thinking. He spoke slowly as he thought: 'You know, there are a lot of music-related things in this store... I wonder if we could find another?' It was a slim chance, but maybe luck was on their side. And then he wouldn't feel so bad about being so protective.


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