it should have stayed unreal
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ooc: Once again, sorry~! Thought this might be a cute way to wrap it up.
I've got soul but I'm not a soldier

She met his plan with bravery and excitement, and Slay felt another small welling of pride in his chest, pleased that she was so fearless for her age. "This should probably be our secret, too... I don't know that Cercelee would be too happy to know that we stole from the bees." Well, the white-furred queen wouldn't care about that, but the fact that he might be instilling some thrill-seeking values into their little ward would be less than desirable. Catalyst's tail wagged a mile a minute, clearly ready to go. "Okay, Cat... Go!"

Without a moment's hesitation, the big male sprang from his haunches, off at a running start. His wide paws pounded against the ground, spraying blades of grass as his blunt claws launched him forward again. He had to go as fast as he could, before the bees knew what hit them! It was a fool's errand, but Slay was always happy to play the role of jester, putting himself at risk just for a smile or a laugh. He never did get the hang of acting his age.

A curious humming filled his ears as he dashed closer and closer, each bound making the tuneless music louder. The unwitting bees were working away, grouping in clusters around the dripping honeycomb, flitting away on their solitary searches for nectar. It might have been easier if he knew how to shift; he could wear protective gear, trick them with smoke, use his hands to carry the precious cargo. But no, he was an impulsive man-child, and he would pull off this stunt because he could have when he was younger, and he refused to believe that he had slowed down with age.

His pale eyes locked onto the lowest branch, lips drawing back to bare his fangs. Just like leaping for prey, his mind readied him, and then his eyelids snapped shut protectively, hind muscles bunching before he sprang through the air. The arctic wolf sailed forward, open jaws snapping down on a chunk of the hive. Before his paws touched ground again, a furious thrumming erupted around him as though a million tiny violins sought his blood. A cloud of yellow buzzing darts swarmed after him, streaming from all over the tree as their wrathful voices coordinated their charge. Dense amber honey slowly leaked onto his tongue as he ran for his life, honeycomb chunk in a death grip between his teeth. His eyes were still firmly screwed shut, so he could not see whether Catalyst had reached the church door in the brief time frame he had offered her. Probably not. Making a snap decision, he whipped his head to one side, flinging the honeycomb in the direction of the church. The mindless bees would not follow his prize; they were too focused on punishing the thief. "It's all yours!!" he barked, flashing a frantic grin before hauling tail out of there. He would lose them in the river.


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