it should have stayed unreal

If it's alright with you, I'm going to make this the ending post and archive it from here. Thanks for the thread, it was fun! <3 400+

          With Slay speaking about that the two should keep this incident as their own little secret, the stub of her tail wagged enthusiastically, liking the idea of keeping sneaky secrets among an adult. Her head simply nodded in agreement to him, promising that she wouldn't utter a word about this (not even to her own siblings, knowing that they would probably be blabbermouths about it anyway!)

          At the sounding of go!, Catalyst watched with an excited gleam as Slay went at colossal speeds toward the hive. His large paws beating against the ground, it sounded like thunder, making him seem like a great, god-like being that pounded the earth. Catalyst had not start running to the church doors just yet, she was too entranced to see what would happen to Slay when he got to the hive, and if the bees would get him. Watching as how he leapt into the air like a fearless beast, Catalyst's dual eyes blinked in astonishment, her jaw falling agape as Slay actually got hold of one of the honeycombs from the hive, tearing it down as it landed. All of a sudden, even Catalyst's little ears heard a roaring buzzing emitting from the hive after Slay took their honeycombs, seeing a black mist of a cloud following Slay as he dashed away from them as fast as he could.

          Catalyst cheered for Slay, but as soon as he was heading her way at breakneck speed, that meant it was her cue to run to the church doors and get them in and shut it before the bees got to them. Her paws scrambled in a hurry, bolting for the church steps. Of course Slay would pick up to her pace in no time (as well as the bees), so before Catalyst could even disappear behind the doors to begin pushing them close (in which she didn't have enough strength to do anyways), Slay bellowed that her honeycomb was in the possession of her now, watching it sail over her head and arrive in the church before her. Bolting and disappearing then into the church, she recovered the honeycomb in her mouth and brought it back to the church's entrance. A little puzzled at first that Slay took the detour away from the church, Catalyst didn't understand until the cloud of bees followed right behind him. The honeycomb, it tasted delightful! She would certainly have to thank Slay for the gift and his antics from this afternoon. Guess life here wouldn't be as bad as she thought it would be after all.


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