even Judas knew he had lied
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His question was like a slap across the face, and her eyes momentarily lit aflame. She simply could not provide an answer; that alone drove her wild with anger. Said anger was not directed at the Aquila, but mostly at herself for not knowing the solution to his equation. It would eventually come to her, she knew. But for the time being, Lillith was at a loss of words. Her thoughts revolved around the messenger, and what he meant to her. It was too early to decide how big of an impact he’d have on her life, but she was willing to give him a chance.

“To finish what he started,” she replied flatly, surprising herself. That answer, it wasn’t hers. But it had slipped out of her maw nonetheless. Someone was breathing down her neck, and that entity had taken the opportunity to express itself. Who was it? The visionary? No. The entity was male. She could feel it in her gut. Whoever it was, the ashen femme openly embraced his presence. Her mind was racing, but her face remained placid. Two malachite orbs simply stared ahead, not really looking at anything or anyone in particular.


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