mother's little helper [joining?]
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It seemed as if years had passed before Princess saw the older female, but she bit back her sigh of exasperation at the other's words; there was no need to make them mad when she wanted something from them, and possibly to join their pack. I guess that's what I want, anyway. I wanna be where Tokyo is, I think. Wrinkling her forehead, the pup shook her head in disagreement, but she merely said, "If you say it is." By no means did she actually believe it. In fact, she felt that patience was dumb. Why wait for something if it would be better to have it right away?

"I guess that depends. Do you know my mother? Tokyo. . . Chance?" Princess bristled at her own words. She wanted more to find Tokyo to ask her questions than to be the "happy" mother-daughter pair they had once been. "I guess you probably don't know where my brother is. I lost him, I think. But I want to find my mother!" she barked, frustrated with how long it was taking - the few minutes they'd been standing there, which was absolutely no time at all. She took the time then to look at the older female, just incase she had mistaken her own mother for someone else, but there was no luck there.


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