mother's little helper [joining?]
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Alexey couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for temporarily crushing the younger female’s hopes of finding her mother. The girl’s behavior became alarmingly frantic for a few moments. Thankfully, the second part of the Acer’s response acted as a sedative. Tokyo’s daughter gradually became calmer, and Lexey was thankful for that. She could only hope, for this girl’s sake, that the blue-eyed woman she’d seen was indeed Tokyo Chance. “Yes, she could be,” she said hesitantly, as if second guessing herself.

A smile graced her lips when the youngster warned her not to laugh at her brother’s name. How adorable. Lexey nodded, as if bracing herself for the name heading her way. Mentally, she tried to think of the worst names she’d heard thus far. And none were bad enough to make her laugh. Evidently, she hadn’t heard anything like Buttface before. It took a while for her brain to assimilate the cruel name, but it eventually sunk in. It was funny, of course. And she had to bite her tongue to contain her amusement. “Butt…face?” she repeated, obviously shocked by the revelation.

Princess was a much better name, and it suited the girl. Evidently, this Tokyo gal was a little peculiar. “I’m Alexey, Dahlia de Mai's pupsitter.” Mentioning her rank was pointless. Princess wouldn’t know about Dahlian hierarchy. “Cwmfen might know her. I’ve seen them talking together at the pack meeting. Are you planning on sticking around?”


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