mother's little helper [joining?]
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Alexey was having mixed feelings about this mother-daughter reunion. Dahlia de Mai had seen so much drama as of late, be it with Firefly and her sons, or Svara and her demented mother. She didn’t want Princess and Tokyo’s peculiar relationship to cause any additional problems, especially not now. From the looks of it, the creamy-hued teenager was not a fighter. She had a spunky personality, but not an ounce of malice in her body. The Acer couldn’t possibly stop her from finding Tokyo if her goal was only to ask her a question. Granted, she really wanted to know what that question was. It was none of her business though, so she simply moved on.

Cwmfen’s name had grown on her, just like the Adonis herself. If anything, it fit the warrior perfectly. She was unique in many ways, both physically and personality-wise. But Lexey couldn’t blame Princess for thinking it was weird. Not many people sported that name. Her lips spread into a soft smile when the girl claimed not to know much about pack life. They could start with the basics for now. “Just help out when you can, and make sure you treat everyone with respect. If you’re willing to do that, we can go find Cwmfen,” she paused, before closing her statement with the following: “By the way, Cercelee is the big boss around here. Haku and Cwmfen are her sub leaders. Make sure you behave around them.”


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