It's My Heart Your Dealing With
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sunflower sunset,
just one please.

It was a terrible walk, but she was so far from home already. Nights had been spent away from the manor, and days away from the faces of her family. She certainly didn’t want to run away, and didn’t want to think that was what she was doing. A voice called from the back of her mind, drifting in and out of her consciousness, reminding her that it was exactly what she was doing. Anu knew she would return, the need for her bed and the comfort and security of the boarders would call to her as strongly as the new changing territory did. The Crimson Dream's wolfess knew she would turn and walk home, the wandering side satisfied and her mind free of troubled thoughts. All she needed was to release the anxiety, and confusion. Let it roll off her toes with each step she took.

The sky hung over her, a mixture of blue and dingy white clouds rolled above. She could smell rain in the air, but with a hopeful wish believed that it would only pass by without releasing a rain drop. Her two paws brought her to the edge of the meadow, and a smile wrapped around her maw. Blue eyes looked for a long moment, taking in the sight before her. Finger danced over them as she strode through their masses. Their fragrance lifted to her nose, wrapping her in a familiar comfort. It was sweet, and the pollen-laden air tickled her nose into a sneeze. Stifling it, the female let her fingers brush the face of the nearest flower. Its round dark face look upward to meet her, sun colored peddles waving in the lazy breeze.

It made her think of home, of the garden her had been neglecting and the urge she knew would surface filled her chest. The place was to sweet to cut her visit short, but the female knew very well where she would head next. But at the moment she only took in the sight of the wild grown flora. Her smile no more then a soft curve of her lips, while she contemplated which to pick and take with her.


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