where no one knows my name
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Her words had some sort of dizzying effect on him; the world began to spin suddenly as the old, abandoned emotions he'd kept bottled tightly within surfaced and ravaged through his mind. Everything he feared was slowly becoming reality: He was vulnerable and something within was creaking, on the verge of breaking apart altogether and unleashing something more. Jefferson feared the monster within himself more than the monster he typically played for the world on a normal day. The emotions he kept within were raw, unusual, foreign -- he didn't know how to act and it felt as if nothing came naturally, doubled in trouble only by the vulnerability of his shattered mask and facade that left him completely susceptible and bare.

Jefferson couldn't understand her words, couldn't decipher her logic; the beast that analyzed everything and everyone could not figure her out. It was a terrifying thing, like being lost in the thickest of fog and mists without a lantern or guiding way. She didn't know him well enough to disagree -- she didn't know what he had done. He had never told her; she had never asked. Geneva had never questioned the cyclops of his background or why he never mentioned his family... she hardly even knew he was an amnesiac that couldn't sleep at night, haunted by unclear memories of things he'd done but never believed. They'd since become a reality: he was the second side of Maluki that had been tempted away by some sort of unexplainable insanity, not the energetic, loving one that Laruku had explained him to be in his youth. Geneva didn't know the things the second Maluki had done... the things he -- Jefferson -- had done. "I raped her," bit his cold words to the air, spoken darkly and affirmatively. His stance had become rigid, his eye affixed into the distance. Vulnerability aside, he stood as a rock she was supposed to run away from. No, he didn't remember doing it to Aurelie... but that was no excuse for it having been done. His typical scowl was a solid frown with affixed brows; he was the monster he believed himself to be, and Geneva knew nothing. Slowly but surely, the cyclops's green eye turned to stiffly look at her. He said nothing more.


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