if it isn't fate, it's persistence

It seemed both their moods had become somber after Jezebel mentioned the fire, though she tried her best to push it from her mind as she most often did, saving the worst memories for her dreams. Straightening her posture as Gabriel began his shift she admired him as muscle, sinew and bone shifted into his handsome Luperci form, the chiming of his charms causing her ears to twitch. Jezebel resisted the urge to play with the long hair that soon framed his face, linking her fingers together as he spoke. A smile never left her lips, her red gaze following the contours of his jaw and neck before settling onto the ground before her. "Much has happened then," she surmised, looking up into his golden-yellow eyes. "I am sorry for the hardships you have suffered, but glad that you have pushed through. I myself have lived a wanderers life since we parted. I have not seen much war, but many battles since Scintilla during my travels north." She couldn't help but downcast her eyes as a small frown touched her lips, but she quickly swallowed back her emotions, looking hopefully back up at Gabriel. "I was hoping once I had found you I would be able settle back into clan life, that is if you have room for an old friend."


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