joining - dwindle, peak, and pine

Relief washed over him as the awkwardness was easily disposed of with a simple shrug from the stranger, and for a moment Dawali mentally laughed at himself for being so nervous. After all, he was the one owning these lands, and the stranger was not. If anyone should be nervous it was not the sub-leader. The sentences that then spilled from him relaxed the red wolf further, for it was casual speaking and he enjoyed that the most. Sure, he could be formal, especially with greeting and such, and sometimes it was easier to cling to formality and its strengths, but most of the time he felt better with being at ease with everyone.

A slow smile spread itself on his lips, and although it was a mere polite gesture it was a genuine smile. He liked this male already - to be so casual and calm, at least that's how he seemed on the outside. Nodding as he agreed to his first sentence, Dawali took the chance to give some information about his tribe. The tribe that lives here was founded by Ayegali Kala, our chief. I am the one in charge these days however. He paused, his arm swinging out from his side as if he was showing some picturesque scenery, although it was just a fence and some bushes from where he'd come. The river was not viewable from here. There could be a place here for you - what do you think you could contribute with? Any particular arts you are crafty in? His tone was calm now, no nervousness left in him, and he stood leaning his weight on one foot, the arm on the opposite side bent to touch his other elbow. It was comfortable.

Table by James! thankyou<3

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