we made you
Anya nodded at Davinci's words, sensing that she would find out his story in time. She felt that it was his story to tell, and he would tell it in his own time.

"In that case, perhaps bergamot will help. If you don't mind, I'll start looking for some for you. It helps to relieve melancholy and depression. Perhaps it will soothe your mind some. Although we may not forget the wrongs and turmoils within us..." At this, Anya stared wistfully into the distance. "Bergamot may ease some of your troubles and allow you to think more clearly."

Anya quirked her head as Davinci mentioned the Shaman. She wondered what had happened, but decided to keep that question to herself. She would ask Ty about it some other time.

Anya yawned slightly, feeling drowsy in the warm sun.

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