Learning Life's Lessons

Sorry for the wait, back from absence. ^^; 500+

          To what Rath was to say about not having a family, not even having remotely anyone there for him, this stunned the ivory pup. So even adults didn't have their mommies either? Catalyst had never heard of such a thing. To her observation from her dual eyes, it seemed like everyone else in the world had their families, their siblings, someone relatively close to them by blood bond or otherwise. Henratha, however, didn't have anyone here. Unfortunately for Henratha's sake, Catalyst couldn't drop that subject just yet. "You's... you's don't have a mommy either? My mommy... she left us. She left me an' my siblings behind. But... you's don' have a mommy anymore... so that's... normal?" Normal was kind of a big term for her to use in her vocabulary at this stage of her life, and it took her a second to think of the correct word to use. Yes, that was it. Normal. It seemed to be normal then that some individuals in this world didn't have their family members, right?

          Catalyst could understand what Henratha was saying, for if anything was rushed and done with half effort, it wouldn't come out looking as good as one wanted it to be. She was confused, however, that he was the only one doing such a thing. "You's have nobody's to help you?" Her head tilted to the side, wondering at that instant why he chose to work alone, or if nobody wanted to help him in the first place. He was terribly nice for his kind, Catalyst couldn't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to help him with his hard work. At the topic of the humans, Catalyst was interested to hear that indeed they done all the work with the buildings standing currently. Listening how his father taught him the tools of the trade, there was something that stuck out in his sentence that caught her tiny triangular ears in a flicker. "Wait! Wha's this... changing forms?" Ah, Catalyst had not yet been familiar with the shape shifting concept of her Luperci abilities yet, and had much to learn about there. With Henratha explaining about changing forms and able to do his work there, she was a little lost, although if he chose to explain, she would pick up on it immediately. There were adults who she seen walked on two legs, and others on four. She never bothered to ask how they do it, not until now.

          His satisfactory description certainly did justice, for Catalyst eagerly nodded, especially delighted to hear that it was like a game, and games were always fun to do! Not expecting to get questions turned over to her end, Catalyst was actually stumped for a second when Henratha asked of what she liked to do in her spare time. Well, what did she like? "Well... uh, I like to play with my brothers an' sisters! Running', swimmin', playin' hide an' seek..." None of that was certainly impressive as to what Henratha did, and Catalyst honestly wished she had more fun and interesting things to say.


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