Warn your warmth to turn away.

p, set in the university.

Everything was changing. The world itself would never be the same. Growing up was something Mati had looked forward to, but there were many things that she would enjoy to live without. She could manage being attacked while in her home, shifting, gaining true responsibilities, having a monster for a father, her mothers breaking their mateship and destroying the abstract notion of “love”. All were easily pushed from her vast mind and ignored. But she could not manage the idea of life without her brother. The mere thought of it, thinking about thinking about it made tears well in her eyes. After seeing him she had run to a place she felt was safe, for she had met a friend there once and his presence was still fresh in the stone walls. Violet eyes looked into the dark of the laboratory, her face wet with the prospect of considering life in her pack without her beloved brother.

Her large brown form sat on a dusty lab stool, and she lost her vision in the paper that sat before her on the black bench. Her pencil was dull, having been sharp when the sun was still sitting high in the long windows. Now it was faded, low and almost lost to the long shadows of the pending night. Mati didn’t like the dark, but it fit the feeling in her chest. She welcomed it, and cursed the large bright moon that hung in the foreground of the sky. The sun still held its reign over the atmosphere, but it wouldn’t last. Falling lower and lower Mati felt her heart sink with it, eyes falling to the paper and the image that she had scribbled into it. Hard charcoal lines accented the figure’s outline, and Mati shaded in eyes that she had even never seen. Her hand moved the pencil until they were dark and lifeless.


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